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4G EC9 Home made parts, wing, lip...

#1 von TherealstarX26 , 09.02.2011 12:10

It was an unplanned purchased, i would like a 4G to make my parts for ED/EE/EC. I remember that my parents neighbor got one. I saw him, and i asked if he could lend the car, i finally, i purshased it :lol:

So, the car ;)

124 000 km, automatic gearbox ;) But, to make fiber parts and carbone parts, it good! This car is quite clean, apart the bonnet.

I already manufacture a rear wing :

Just unmolded. Not painted.

I try to make it in carbon, i'ts possible too :)

In carbon, just unmolded, not varnished.

I got the choice :lol:

I will do the same wing for my 3G.

Don't search my website, its not online for the moment ;)

And right now, i am doing the front lip :lol:

You can see my Crx lip, and the Civic lip that i will do ;)

I'ill take news pics as soon as i finished it ;)


RE: 4G EC9 Home made parts, wing, lip...

#2 von HoWoPa , 09.02.2011 13:56

For my taste, the rear one is a little bit to large, but my opinum doesn`t care,
great work!

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Beiträge: 15.266
Punkte: 3.825.417
Registriert am: 07.05.2007
Ich fahre: Hondas
Da wohne ich: Paderborn
Vorname: Guido

RE: 4G EC9 Home made parts, wing, lip...

#3 von TherealstarX26 , 10.02.2011 12:11

Thanks ;)

Yes, at the begining i had the same taste, but one one the car, it's good ;)

And it's very easy to use when you would like to drink and to put your glass

I see that i made a mistake in the etablishement of my tread... Someone can move it in the right section?

Thanks ;)


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