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Retro rally event 6-20 August, 2010

#1 von Retrorally , 27.02.2010 13:25

Hi to all Honda loving Friends,

We would like to introduce Retro Rally and its web-side, http://www.retrorally.hu.

The intention of creating Retro Rally Run is the feeding of retro feeling. We would like to turn this odd Run into a unique event on which the miracle machines with a big value do not dominate. Instead of it, according to our rules, it is possible to enter the 20 years old or older vehicles (regardless of the type), which once determined the image of the streets, but time is up over them. We wish to create an occasion for the owners, or for those who would like to have a similar vehicle, to measure their driving skills on Europe’s roads and to experience the limit of their cars, motorcycles, trucks, etc.

We now call upon everyone, who would like to become a legend, be between the first brave pioneers of Retro Rally!

Look at the web-side presenting the route what you would be left out from! In 2010 what waits for the participants: 15 days, 12 countries and 7500 kilometer. The first Run is organised between 6th to 20th of August, 2010. The place of the start is Budapest. After the start of Retro Rally the field will cross Slovakia, Czech Republic, Germany, from where the teams take a ferry to Denmark. They arrive to Sweden then, and move to Norway’s breathtaking northern corner. The teams then drive along the fiords to Finland and will pass through the Scandinavian peninsula. Here the field take another ferry to Estonia, and with the discovery of Latvia, Lithuania in the Baltic-region, they reach Poland and Slovakia. The final arrival, finish will be in Budapest, Hungary.

Some of the stopping places are at the former big production bases of the retro mobiles. The magic of the different landscapes, the Baltic seacoast and the national parks reserve a trip filled with excitement and challenge. In each country we selected a unique route. We drew up the whole Run in such a way that the participants should be allowed to try their driving and navigational skills, test the persistence, be participiant of the teamwork's, and the manly toughness's. From a year onto a year we wish to pose new and newer challenges. We wish to show the members of the field around the most place within two weeks time. This is a distinguished chance to get together with others, find new friends from all over the world.

Charity work program is accompanied to the Run. Each year the donations are designed to serve a good purpose.

Please take a look at our web-side if you would find out more on this event!

Best regards,

Csaba Zelnik (Hungary)


RE: Retro rally event 6-20 August, 2010

#2 von peppi , 28.02.2010 17:58

Thanks for your invitation to your web-site and your event. Unfortunately the site is only in magyar. A wonderful language but very difficult.


Beiträge: 5.272
Punkte: 298.789
Registriert am: 10.03.2007
Ich fahre: Civic 3.Gen. Hatchback
Da wohne ich: Niederrhein
Vorname: Thomas

RE: Retro rally event 6-20 August, 2010

#3 von Ubbedissen , 01.03.2010 01:57

Thanks for your invitation to your web-site and your event. Unfortunately the site is only in magyar. A wonderful language but very difficult.

Da hat peppi aber unseren ungarischen Freunden
Beine gemacht . Sobutz war deren Site in Englisch verfügbar.


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zuletzt bearbeitet 01.03.2010 | Top

RE: Retro rally event 6-20 August, 2010

#4 von peppi , 01.03.2010 22:00

Ja toll, nicht wahr. Ich bin ein großer Ungarn Fan. ich war noch nie da, aber ich kenne einige Ungarinnen, die finde ich klasse.

Und die Rallye ist ja sehr viel versprechend, schade das ich zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht kann.


Beiträge: 5.272
Punkte: 298.789
Registriert am: 10.03.2007
Ich fahre: Civic 3.Gen. Hatchback
Da wohne ich: Niederrhein
Vorname: Thomas

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