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Honda hilft den Opfern

#1 von kaefergarage.de , 21.05.2008 08:50

Aus dem Newsletter:

4) Honda Provides Aid to Victims of Sichuan Earthquake

May 15, 2008 - Honda would like to express its deepest sympathy and
condolences to the victims of the recent earthquake epicentered in the
Sichuan province of China. In response to this tragedy, the Honda group
companies will provide approximately JPY 115 million Anmerkung: 711.255 Euro toward the relief
and recovery effort.

Full Story:

5) Honda to Offer Donations to Aid the Disaster Victims of the Myanmar

May 9, 2008 - Honda announced a contribution totaling approximately
JPY 23.3 million Anmerkung: 114.085 Euronen to assist the Red Cross in providing shelter, relief
and recovery support to those affected by the recent Myanmar Cyclone.

Full Story:

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